Sunshine and Success: Celebrating Bright Futures
Where flowers bloom, so does hope 🌻🌼🌷🌹
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Leap into Spring with COIPP
From COIPP, With L💖VE
January News from COIPP
2022 Newsletter Archive
2021 Newsletter Archive
February, 2021
Oh What A Month It Was!
“Thank you Ms. Shari for all of the boxes you have given me. The resources really
helped me during quarantine. If you didn’t give me any of these toys/books I would probably be even more bored. I really appreciate everything you have given me
during these hard times.”
Written by a child upon receipt of the newest Family Resource Box
Meet some special COIPP supporters:
You have often read about the extra support we get from Marlene and Tom England, owners of Curious iguana Book Store and Dancing Bear Toy Store in downtown Frederick. While we cannot say enough about the quality of the resources we purchase from their stores and the discounts they send our way, it is how they go far beyond the usual work of similar stores that make them true COIPP heroes. They fundraise for COIPP, call when new, appropriate resources arrive, keep us apprised of new books that are published on topics of particular interest to our children, individualize the contents of Family Resource Boxes we mail out, donate money to the cause and even take extra time out of their day to talk with COIPP participants who drop by. I would be remiss not to mention that not only Tom and Marlene deserve big thanks. Their entire staff works tirelessly to help COIPP. This has been a team effort. Thanks to these cheerleaders who help us every day.

Unity Campaign
We are once again part of the United Way Unity Campaign. This fundraiser for Frederick’s non-profits is our largest fundraiser of the year. There is a partial match of money thanks to the generosity of corporations and businesses throughout Frederick. Due to the generosity of our donors, we have been able to increase the goal originally requested for this year. If you help us, we will not only be able to continue our present work, but expand programs and add to the resources we distribute. Please consider making a donation. Text Unity202156 to 71777 or go to the following link to make a donation:
Highlights of This Month’s Activities
Gail House Classes- Through March of 2020, we offered classes at the Frederick County Adult Detention Center (FCADC) for parents who were incarcerated. Due to COVID, all in person visits and classes were ended. However, this month we started on a new journey. We are now teaching Parenting From Afar to women at the Gail House, a residential drug treatment program in Frederick. We do this via Zoom. We hope to bring the same course to the men at Olson House. A huge shout out goes to our colleagues at the Mental Health Association and our collaborative program called Families Impacted by Incarceration Program (FIIP).
Expanded Children’s Activities- February was the month for some new beginnings. We added juggling lessons and demonstrations by Christian Kloc, an amazing, talented, patient young man. Katie from Thorpewood created some videos about the Thorpewood Farm and allowed us to send these fabulous videos to our children. Add in a nature walk we were able to do at Staley Park with both children and caregivers, all of whom wore masks, and we have a month filled with success.

Workshops- This month we had the honor of doing the first of a two-session workshop for Healthy Families. It was all about Children and Their Feelings and was designed to share strategies and resources to help children through anger, sadness and trauma. We are very excited to have this opportunity through the Mental Health Association. We have a number of additional workshops planned and always enjoy the opportunities this brings.
Respite Meeting- This month we held our always popular Respite Meeting. We focused on Family Activities and things to do during inclement weather. We were able to purchase a high quality age appropriate board game for every family and a gift card to a grocery store. These have become favorite monthly events and we are always looking forward to the next one and we hope to expand these opportunities.
So much more is taking place. We spoke to the Board members of Standing Firm Against Frederick’s Homelessness (Steadfast), to mentors at I Believe In Me and more. We added an Advisory Committee to COIPP and completed our 2020 Annual Report To The Community. Our fundraising committee and social media group kept going forward. We staffed our office every Wednesday and kept working on website migration and data collection. We had the honor of picking up a collection of hygiene supplies donated by Lisa Barber and the staff at La Petite Childcare Center. In all, as much was happening behind the scenes as in front.

Ongoing Fundraisers
- Gingko Leaf Note Cards designed by Christine Wilson (5 for $15). If you are interested in purchasing a packet, message Shari or email
- Stacey Krantz, InBloom Jewelry, has designed a one-of-a-kind Sterling Silver Necklace, Resilience. The pendant is in the shape of a gingko leaf. Profits from the sale of these necklaces are donated to COIPP.
If you are interested in attending our Board meetings, please let us know. We meet via ZOOM, the second Friday of each month fromnoon-2:00. Just get in touch so we can share the specifics:
Check out our Website, if you are interested in volunteering with us. It does take a village, and as always, we are truly grateful for your support.
In the meantime, please continue to take care, and stay safe and healthy!
January, 2021
“They help out children who have an incarcerated parent and also also help out the caregivers who are caring for the children of incarcerated parents. Truly an amazing organization.”
Participant in COIPP and present board member
Attention! Attention! Attention! An Important Fundraiser is here!
A committee, led by Sally Smith, has been working hard on fundraising ideas. We know that given the plight of our families and our need to pivot in recent months, we have to keep fund raising and hopefully raise more than ever before. Our biggest fundraiser of the year has started- and our fundraising committee is ready. Through the Unity Campaign, facilitated by the United Way, we not only raise funds, but we receive a partial match for all donations we receive. Board members are busy attending workshops on fundraising, coming up with new and exciting ideas, publicizing our events, and initiating lots of creative activities. Please note that anyone who wishes to donate to the Unity Campaign, should do so by going to, find Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership (COIPP), and make a donation. Donations can also be be made by texting Unity202156 to 71777. A check written to Unity Campaign with COIPP written in the memo line, can be sent to us at: COIPP, 22 South Market Street, Suite 101A, Frederick, Md. 21701. We will deliver it to the United Way.
Highlighting Members of the COIPP Team
In the next few weeks I want to highlight some amazing people. This month, we wish to say a huge thank you to Sam and Julie Castleman. They have attended events, brought their farm animals to picnics, donated used appliances and desks to some of our participants, and opened their farm to some of our families. Katie, who works with them, has even created some fabulous ‘farm’ videos for us to share with our children. We highlight them not only for what they have done, but for how they do all of this in their humble way. Never judgmental, they follow their hearts. I post this for I hope it will make each of us think about what we can do to help a family.
While many are finding the time of COVID to be one of personal boredom, this is not true for the members of COIPP. We are busy-and we keep finding new ways to help. Some January highlights are below.
Covid Emergency Giveaways (CEG)– Once again we held another COVID Emergency Giveaway (CEG) this month. We had close to 45 participating families who drove by as we placed bags of goodies, children’s books, handmade quilts in their cars- and followed with a gift card for groceries. What always impresses us is how very appreciative the participants are. There are always words of gratitude and some tears. A wonderful addition to CEG over the past few months is the work of Sally Selby. She has been volunteering with us for a long time, but now she is really digging deep. She finds out not only the ages and genders of the children, but also their personal interests. She then finds books for that specific child. This month she bagged 163 books and gave them out to 39 caregivers. Amazing!
Staying Connected- Can you picture yourself as a child with a parent in jail? Your family has little money, and you cannot visit your loved one due to COVID restrictions. We are very aware of the trauma this can cause. We once again stamped our logo on hundreds of pre stamped postcards and delivered them to the Frederick County Adult Detention Center. All the research tells us that staying connected is what keeps people from recidivism and keeps families together. Hopefully the postcards will help. I just ordered 600 more; this is an ongoing COIPP project in the time of COVID.
Respite Meeting- Each month we have a Respite Meeting for a group of caregivers. January was no exception. This month we focused on getting ready for Valentine’s Days, imagining a perfect day, and sharing how one can take care of oneself during these difficult times. The women in the group are fantastic- and the sharing never stops. Thank you goes to all the participants and the group of volunteers who work each month to make this happen. It is one of my very favorite activities- and we are working to expand to other caregivers through workshops over the next few months.
A Growing Collaboration with the Mental Health Organization (MHA)- We have had a collaboration with MHA for a number of years. However, it seems to grow stronger and stronger as we continue to work together. Weekly four of our COIPP members meet to review and create workshops and parenting curriculum. We then meet regularly with MHA staff to plan and share. We have been very busy working with MHA so that we can begin to teach Parenting From Afar at the Gail House, a residential drug treatment center in Frederick. Our new work at Gail House begins as February begins- and given all of the support we get through this collaboration, we are ready and raring to get started.
Time For Bingo– As we keep finding ways to stay connected with children, we continued to have a monthly Bingogame in January. And what fun it was! Thanks again to Howie for assisting me with the number calling- and special thanks to Gretta Benson for once again organizing the event. We had a great time- and the winners all received small prizes for their winning ways. At the CEG, Gretta gave out more bingo boards and chips to all of our families. We want to make sure that we have more games- and that everyone has the resources they need to attend, or to play within their families.
There continues to be so much more work completed behind the scenes. This month we focused on applying for more grants, putting the final touches on Family Resource Boxes, funded by both the Delaplaine Foundation and the Rotary of Frederick, working on the building of our data base, migrating our website, attending workshops on equity and much more. In addition, I had the honor of speaking at the Frederick County Retired School Personnel Association. The work never ends- but neither does the fun!